
You are about to enter the Sports & Medicine Section.
Please read the important legal information first and click on the icon below to continue if you agree to its terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions:

1. Whilst every effort has been made Eirpharm makes no warranty or representation regarding the accuracy or completeness of the pharmaceutical or medical information contained in this website. This website is not designed to offer medical or pharmaceutical advice.

2. The product information provided in this website is intended only for the use of Irish Athletes.

3. The product information provided in this site is intended only for medicinal products approved by Health Products Regulatory Authority or European Medicines Agency and marketed in the Republic of Ireland.

4. It is agreed that the information contained in this site is for reference purposes only. It is intended to be used as a guide only and not as an authoritative source.

5. The advice of a registered pharmacist or medical practitioner should be sought when dealing with specific circumstances or situations. Eirpharm accepts no liability or responsibility for any loss, damage or injury suffered which may arise as a result of reliance on the information contained in or accessed from this website.

6. This database uses tracking information and our system logs and records your IP address, dates and times of site query to the database, type of browser and cookie information. Each query generates a unique reference number which you should retain for your records. This information may be stored on a server located outside of the European Union.

7. The final responsibility for the decision to take any medication lies with the person taking such medication.

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